• Charity Campaigns

    Autohop.bg - auto classifieds and auto news

    Auto classifieds, news and useful info all on one place.

    Autohop.bg has placed itself as a auto portal site for classifieds and auto news and reviews. In the site could be found over:

    • 23,290 auto classifieds
    • 205 auto dealers
    • 6,837 services, companies and classifieds

  • Charity Campaigns

    Безплатно.net - free classifieds, offers and more...

    The most popular classifieds site in Bulgaria

    The users could publish an unlimited number of FREE classified listings and company pages. In Bezplatno.net can be found over:

    • 185,880 classifieds
    • 44,899 companies in our company catalog
    • 32,327 new classifieds monthly

  • I Help Haiti Too

    I Help Haiti Too

    A charity campaign of BCAF

    IcePique has given full support to the “Bulgarian Charities Aid Foundation” (BCAF) in its campaign “I help Haiti too” that is endorsed by international foundations and organizations. The campaign will last for 6 months, during which IcePique will be displaying its banner in the amount of 300 000 impressions monthly and thus will be raising the awareness for the campaign.

  • Charity Campaigns

    Why to advertise on our sites?

    5 reasons that will convince you

    • You receive custom-tailored advice
    • We consult you for setting up the most effective campaign
    • We check on the progress of the campaign
    • We value our clients and work with them in the long term
    • You get up to 20% BONUS impressions on your first campaign

The power of the Internet advertising

...ways to achieve the most effective campaign

Target your clients Contextually

Target your clients Contextually - The Icepique network of sites is designed to reach a large scope of user interests as every site is targeted toward a specific audience.

Engage the attential of the potential clients

Engage the attential of the potential clients through a rich arsenal of online advertisement options: standard banners, text ads or branded sections as well as other non-standard advertising solutions.

Analyse the effectiveness of the campaigns

Analyse the effectiveness of the campaigns - through a online access to the admin panel for ads management you have the ultimate ability to generate detailed reports in real-time.

Gemius Profile

An expert profile of our audience

Gemius is an independent peoplemetric company for Internet projects. Gemius, Bulgaria offer expert data for the users of the Icepique network. 440,219 is the count for the monthly users of the network, who are profiled demographically, geographically and economically. This is why the Gemius data is an invaluable instrument in the media planning of the most effective targetting of our advertisement campaigns.

When the numbers talk...?

Unwritten rules in the Internet advertising

<< Statistics >>
144 Countries
For global exposure

Internet is a global power. For a small company like IcePique it is an honor to reach users on a global level. Your campaign can reach users worldwide and bring you a lot of new business.


The amount of monthly impressions shows the exposure your brand is getting. The more impressions your campaign has, the better the exposure and the reinforcement of the brand.

The users who visit our sites every month can be converted to loyal clients of your brand with the engagement of their attention and interaction through your powerful ad campaign.

The users often concentrate on the site's content and ignore the advertising banners. The more pages they view, however, the better tha chance to catch the message your campaign sends.

Every user spends enough time on our sites to be engaged directly by your campaign. The campaign can use that time to allow your company to win a potential new client.

Internet is a global power. For a small company like IcePique it is an honor to reach users on a global level. Your campaign can reach users worldwide and bring you a lot of new business.

Our Clients

...with whome we work in the long-term.

Icepique Client Icepique Client Icepique Client

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